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Category Archive: Car Accidents

  • How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Injury?

    The timeframe for claiming injury after a car accident is based on the statute of limitations in your specific location. This law establishes the deadline for filing a legal claim in court, and missing it can significantly hinder your ability to seek recovery. Additionally, the type of claim also determines the statute of limitations, such as bodily harm or property damage. Usually, ensuring adherence to deadlines may not be easy for someone without a legal background. We recommend hiring a New Jersey car accident lawyer as soon as possible to assist read more
  • What Happens If Someone Else Is Driving My Car And Gets In An Accident?

    Many car accident cases can be surprisingly complicated, as they can involve a web of insurance policies and parties. One scenario that can get challenging is when someone else is driving your car and gets in an accident, whether it is their fault or not. It is always important to have help from a New Jersey car accident lawyer from Varcadipane & Pinnisi, PC, in these types of situations.

    What If Someone Else Drove Your Car And Crashed It?

    If someone else drove your vehicle and was involved in an accident, two factors usually determine read more
  • SUV vs. Sedan Safety 

    Every day, there are millions of cars on the roads in New Jersey. Within this highly-populated state where commuters rely on their vehicles for transportation, it is common for accidents to happen. For this reason, many people look for advanced safety features when considering the purchase of a new vehicle. With all of the cars on the market, one of the first questions that comes up when buying a car is whether an SUV or a sedan is a safer option. In either case, an accident might still cause injuries, and you should never hesitate to contact a car read more
  • How Head-On Crashes Can Be Deadly?

    There are many types of traffic collisions and some result in more fatal or life-threatening injuries than others. Head-on crashes can often be deadly, and families should consult with an NJ Personal Injury attorney about their rights. Car accidents are often dangerous, but head-on accidents can be particularly dangerous due to the high risk of severe injuries. If another driver’s negligence causes you or someone you love to be injured – or worse – in a head-on crash, don’t put off consulting with a dedicated personal injury attorney from read more
  • How Spinal Injuries Happen in Car Crashes?

    Car crashes can cause more than damage to your car, and if you have had a spinal injury in a car accident, the cost of medical treatment and the future costs associated with lost earnings due to rehabilitation and disability can be substantial. When you have been injured in an accident, and you were not at fault, you could be entitled to damages to cover your medical bills, the value of your lost wages and future earnings ability as a result of injury, and potentially other damages. The experienced spinal injury attorneys from Varcadipane & Pinnisi read more
  • Aggressive Driving Car Accidents

    Driving can be frustrating for everyone at times. Everyone has been stuck in traffic or behind slower cars when they are running late, but some people allow these frustrating situations to escalate into dangerous ones. When drivers become aggressive, they endanger the lives of everyone else on the road. Did an aggressive driver crash into your vehicle, and you suffered injuries? First, ensure you get the medical attention you need. Then, reach out to a New Jersey car accident lawyer for information about your legal rights.

    Common Aggressive read more

  • Distracted Driving is a Public Safety Problem

    Driving in the modern world is safer than ever due to the features in automobiles and also more dangerous than ever given the distractions that drivers now encounter. From billboards to smartphones, there are constantly things in the world calling the driver’s attention away from the road, leading to distracted driving and often causing serious accidents. 

    The New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Varcadipane & Pinnisi, PC, have the experience and knowledge to stand up for victims of distracted driving accidents and hold

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  • What NOT to Do After a Car Accident

    There are many tips about what to do following a stressful traffic accident to protect your rights, but did you realize that some things you do can also negatively impact your legal rights and options? You want to have the best chance at full financial recovery as possible, so you should always avoid certain things and discuss what happened and your injuries with trusted New Jersey car accident attorneys right away. 

    Do Not Accept Any Blame

    Car accidents are traumatic events, and the scene can be chaotic. Officers

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