Category Archive: Slips and falls

  • What to Do in a Slip and Fall at Work?

    A slip and fall at work can be a stressful and disorienting experience, but knowing what steps to take can make a big difference in protecting your health and your legal rights. Workplace accidents happen for a variety of reasons, and understanding what causes them, how to respond, and whether you’re eligible for compensation can help you navigate this challenging situation. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. located in Paramus, NJ, we have the experience to guide you through every step of the process if you’ve been injured.

    Common Reasons for read more

  • If Someone Falls on the Sidewalk in Front of Your House, Are You Liable?

    Slip-and-fall accidents can happen anywhere, including right in front of your home. Many homeowners in Paramus, NJ, wonder: If someone falls on the sidewalk in front of your house, are you liable? The answer can vary depending on the circumstances, but it depends on whether the property is residential or commercial in New Jersey. As a local law firm serving Paramus and the surrounding areas, Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. is here to help you understand your legal responsibilities and protect your rights.

    Common Causes of Sidewalk Injuries

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  • Who Is Responsible If Someone Gets Hurt on Your Property?

    Property owners often worry about the legal consequences if someone is injured on their property. The answer typically depends on factors like the visitor's legal status and the property's condition during the injury. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. we regularly assist clients with these complex questions, helping them understand their rights and obligations under New Jersey law. Let's explore who's responsible if someone gets hurt on your property.

    What Is Premises Liability?

    Premises liability is the legal responsibility of property read more
  • Who is Liable for an Accident on an Easement?

    Accidents can happen anywhere, including on someone else's property. In many cases, a property owner is responsible for the injuries resulting from a slip and fall or another type of incident. But what happens when an accident occurs on an easement? Who is responsible for the injuries and damages that result from such an accident? When the concept of easements arises in injury cases, it can cause complications regarding property owners' liability. It is especially crucial to consult a New Jersey slip-and-fall attorney in such situations.

    What read more

  • What To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

    Slip and fall accidents happen unexpectedly and lead to serious injuries. Knowing what to do after a slip and fall accident is crucial if you decide to sue. Below, we discuss the steps you need to take after an incident of this type to maximize your outcome in a potential personal injury claim. Never hesitate to seek a free consultation with our New Jersey slip and fall attorneys.

    Get Medical Treatment

    The first and most important step after a slip and fall accident is to seek medical attention. Some injuries, like concussions, may not read more
  • Is a Store Owner Liable For Your Slip and Fall Accident?

    Several parties can be liable for your accident when you slip and fall into someone else’s store. One of the first parties you can think of is the store owner. After all, the store owner is the first person who should respond when there’s a hazard on the property. However, the store owner is not always automatically held liable in slip and fall accidents. How can you tell whether the store owner will be responsible for your accident? Here is some information from our premises liability attorneys at Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C.

    The store read more

  • Common Injuries from Slips and Falls

    Slips and falls are common occurrences in the United States. In fact, they account for more than one million emergency room visits every year. You might think of a slip and fall as a minor accident, but in reality, these falls regularly cause serious injuries that require costly medical treatment. If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, it is crucial to seek legal assistance. An injury attorney at Vacardipane and Pinnisi, P.C. can handle premises liability claims and can help you get compensation for your injuries.

    Common Injuries read more

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