Category Archive: Commercial Litigation

  • Types of Plaintiffs in a Business Defamation Action

    What is Business Defamation Action?

    When we talk about business defamation action, we're referring to the legal term defamation. Which is an untrue statement about someone or a business made to a third party that causes damage to that person or business’s reputation. To sue someone for defamation, you, the plaintiff, must: Meet the court’s filing requirements Gather evidence Have your lawyer draft and file the necessary documents at the correct courthouse Have the other party served with a copy of the complaint

    Proving read more

  • Common Employment Disputes in New Jersey

    The New Jersey Division of Wage and Hour Compliance is responsible for enforcing state labor laws relating to minimum wages, earned sick leave, methods of wage payment, and workplace labor standards. If you are engaged in any kind of employment dispute in your workplace in New Jersey, you will want to quickly contact an experienced New Jersey business disputes lawyer. State laws relating to business practices are found in both the New Jersey Statutes Annotated and the New Jersey Administrative Code. Here are four of the more common kinds of read more
  • How Many Insurance Claims Can You Make in a Year?

    Some people might file many insurance claims when everything seems to happen all at once. In a single year, you might have different types of damage to your vehicle or home, and you might wonder if you should file insurance claims for all of them. Is there a limit to how many claims you can file in a year? The law has no limitations on how many insurance claims you can file, and most policy agreements do not expressly restrict the number of claims either. However, there can be consequences to filing numerous claims within a short period of time. If read more
  • Common Types of Shareholder Disputes

    In the old days, shareholders used to be people with a lot of money who invested in big company stocks, with most of them being Fortune 500 companies. However, now even small start-up companies are now able to raise capital by selling shares in the company. When this happens, those who invest in the company as shareholders have ownership interests in the start-up or corporation - and they often have strong opinions. As in any business involving more than one owner, disputes do arise between the shareholders. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C., we read more
  • How Do You Prove Wrongful Termination?

    Wrongful termination means a person gets fired in a way that violates their rights or the law. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify when wrongful termination occurs, and it can be even more challenging to prove it. The success or failure of a wrongful termination case often hinges on the ability of the former employee to prove that the reason the employer stated for firing them is fabricated, and the right lawyer can help with this.

    At-Will Employment

    Every state except Montana allows employers to fire at-will employees at any time read more
  • Dissolving a Business Partnership

    Is your business “marriage” heading for divorce over a dispute? If so, you’ll want to start by examining your original partnership agreement and then consult with your tax professional and an experienced business lawyer. Talk to your professional legal team before you do anything, as we can best handle the situation in accordance with New Jersey law and your best future interests.

    Is Dissolution the Right Move at This Time?

    Just like real divorces, timing can be an important factor. To determine if now is an ideal time for a split read more

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