Category Archive: Construction Accidents

  • What Happens if a Roofer Falls Through Your Roof While Working?

    Roofing projects are a big responsibility; accidents can happen when workers are at significant heights. If a roofer falls through your roof while working, your immediate concern may be their safety, but you might also wonder about your legal responsibility. This kind of incident can be complicated, involving liability issues, safety protocols, and workers' compensation. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C., many homeowners face uncertainty when roofing accidents occur. It’s essential to grasp the different types of liability and how to protect read more
  • Does Surgery Increase Workers’ Comp Settlement?

    Employees who suffer serious injuries at work may require surgery to repair the damage. Many employees have questions about potential workers’ compensation benefits, such as whether benefits will cover surgery or if having surgery for their injury will increase their settlement. Let's see if does surgery increase workers' comp settlement or not. There is a relationship between undergoing surgery and the potential compensation amount. However, this depends on many factors surrounding the case. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C., we highly advise read more
  • What to Do if I Was Injured in a Public Place?

    Different hazards exist in public places, including debris, potholes, open maintenance holes, and poorly maintained sidewalks. For example, tripping on a crumbling sidewalk can cause an ankle sprain or worse, leading to costly medical bills. A local government agency may be liable for injuries caused by failing to keep public areas debris-free, maintained, or warn the public about specific hazards. If you are injured in a public place, there are steps you can take to preserve your right to compensation. Always consult a trusted New Jersey personal read more
  • If Someone Gets Hurt While Working on Your Property, Are You Liable?

    Getting hurt while working on someone's property is unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence. Whether on private or commercial premises, individuals often find themselves facing injuries that can have significant and lasting consequences. The pressing question that arises in such situations is whether the property owner is liable for these injuries. In general, property owners are liable for injuries when they are negligent and their negligence leads to injuries. However, these cases are not always clear-cut. This means that if someone gets hurt read more
  • Falling from Significant Heights on a Construction Site

    New Jersey construction sites are amongst the most dangerous in the nation. In the construction industry, falls accounted for 805 deaths and 211,640 non-fatal injuries (requiring time off work), in 2020 alone. In fact, falls account for one-third (1/3) of preventable, non-fatal injuries. Any instance of a construction worker falling from a significant height will most likely result in serious injuries or death. If you or a loved one have suffered from a fall on a construction site, you may be entitled to compensation. The legal team at Varcadipane & read more
  • New Jersey Electrocution Accidents on Construction Sites

    If you have experienced an electrocution on a New Jersey construction site, you need dedicated legal representation. The attorneys at Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. have years of experience in personal injury matters and are here to represent your interests.

    Electrocution Accidents on New Jersey Construction Sites

    NJ Construction sites actually have the highest number of electrocutions. An electrocution is a death or injury resulting from an electrical current passing through someone’s body. In examining a ten-year period, there was an read more
  • Most Common Construction Accidents in New Jersey

    Construction is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. In the construction industry, there is actually an expression about the fatal four, which refers to 4 of the most common (and deadly) accidents that happen at construction sites: falling, being struck by moving objects, electrocution, and getting caught in machinery. Definitely, these accidents tend to be very serious and often deadly. Above all, anyone injured in an accident should seek help from a construction accident lawyer as soon as possible.

    Falling Accidents

    Have you ever seen read more
  • Overview of New York Construction Laws

    New York Labor Law § 200 is the state labor law providing that all owners and contractors must make all workplaces under their control reasonably safe for their workers, and they need to construct, equip, arrange, operate, and conduct all worksites to provide reasonable and adequate protection to all people who have employment there. Anybody who suffers serious injuries on a construction worksite in New York will want to immediately contact an experienced New York construction accident attorney. Construction workers have some of the most dangerous read more

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