Category Archive: Professional Malpractice

  • What is Professional Duty Of Care?

    A duty of care is the legal responsibility of one person or organization to ensure the safety and well-being of another. This duty is typically seen in a professional context, where one person or organization has specific expertise or knowledge that makes them responsible for the trusted information of a client. However, sometimes this duty of care is breached, and the results can be catastrophic. If you or someone you know has been the victim by a professional duty of care that has been breached, you’ll need to find out how you can receive the read more
  • Can I Sue My Doctor for Emotional Distress?

    Doctors are legally bound to act in a way that meets or exceeds the professionally accepted standard of care for any situation they are handling. However, it's not uncommon for medical negligence to cause injuries to patients, leading to significant financial losses and emotional distress, so let's answer this: Can I sue my doctor for emotional distress? Just like physical distress, emotional distress can be damaging in many ways. The law allows injury victims to seek compensation for emotional damage, but doing so requires proving your emotional read more

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