Dawn Pinnisi
May 9, 2022
There are many types of traffic collisions and some result in more fatal or life-threatening injuries than others. Head-on crashes can often be deadly, and families should consult with a New Jersey accident attorney about their rights.
Car accidents are often dangerous, but head-on accidents can be particularly dangerous due to the high risk of severe injuries. If another driver’s negligence causes you or someone you love to be injured – or worse – in a head-on crash, don’t put off consulting with a dedicated personal injury attorney from Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C.
Head-On Crashes
Head-on accidents refer to accidents in which two vehicles that are traveling in opposite directions collide front-end to front-end. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 3,511 fatal head-on collisions in 2016 alone, and these accounted for a full 10.2 percent of traffic deaths. The direct impact of head-on collisions is exceptionally dangerous and is often deadly.
Common Causes of Head-On Crashes
The terror associated with barreling directly into an oncoming vehicle is not difficult to understand. Many people wonder how things can go so wrong on the roadway that a head-on collision is a result, but many common reasons can lead to life-threatening head-on crashes, including:
- Driving the wrong way
- Crossing the centerline
- Passing dangerously
- Speeding excessively
Driving the Wrong Way
Motorists sometimes get confused when driving in an unfamiliar area and can, as a result, turn the wrong way into oncoming traffic. Further, distracted, impaired, and/or drowsy drivers can make a wrong turn, drift, or veer into a lane of oncoming traffic before they recognize the danger.
Crossing the Centerline
The centerline on two-way roads lets us know where we need to be in order to travel safely in relation to oncoming traffic. When a motorist crosses the centerline, he or she sets the stage for a head-on collision. Again, driver negligence is often the impetus behind such a move. A distracted driver who isn’t paying adequate attention to the road ahead, for example, is far more apt to run head-on into an oncoming vehicle. Further, drivers who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol can experience vision impairments that make crossing the centerline more probable.
Passing Dangerously
Motorists are always more vulnerable when they’re passing other vehicles, and when they’re doing so on a two-lane highway, they’re even more vulnerable. When a motorist makes dangerous and/or illegal choices while passing, he or she greatly increases the risk that a head-on crash will happen. Aggressive drivers who proceed as if they have the right to do whatever they want to do behind the wheel leave us all more vulnerable to crashes of every kind, including head-on collisions.
Speeding Excessively Can Lead to a Head-on Collision
When motorists speed excessively, they have less control over their vehicles just when they need it the most. The faster a motorist travels, the less time he or she has to react to dangers ahead, including oncoming traffic. Excess speed not only makes accidents, including head-on accidents, more likely but also increases the inherent risk of those accidents.
Reach Out to an Experienced NJ Car Accident Attorney Today
The car accident attorneys at Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. focus on helping clients like you seek full recovery for their financial, physical, and emotional damages. To learn more, please contact us online or call us at (866) 643-1026 today.
Dawn M. Pinnisi
Dawn M. Pinnisi is a distinguished attorney with a track record of excellence in advocating for victims of injury and negligence. Dawn is a Founding Partner of the Firm, a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and has been awarded by the National Trial Lawyers.
University: J.D. Brooklyn Law School
Bar Number: 33771999
Locations: New Jersey and New York.
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