Category Archive: Medical Malpractice

  • Can I Sue for Delayed Cancer Diagnosis?

    If you suffer preventable harm due to a medical error, it can be devastating and costly. Fortunately, in many cases, you can take legal action and seek relief for issues such as a delayed cancer diagnosis if you can prove that the negligence of a healthcare professional caused harm. At Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C., we understand that when a medical professional fails to diagnose cancer on time, it can lead to significant health complications, and additional costs, and diminish the chances of a successful treatment. Medical malpractice attorneys read more
  • Can You Sue for Inaccurate Medical Records?

    Medical records are key for capturing a comprehensive account of a patient's medical history, treatments, and care plans. However, sometimes there could be inaccuracies in these records, which can have serious consequences. Recent research indicates that mistakes in medical care cause at least 251,454 deaths in the U.S. per year. Given the seriousness of errors in medical records, the law allows victims to sue for compensation if their injuries result from the inaccuracy of these files. But what happens next if you want to file a medical malpractice read more
  • How Long Do You Have to Sue a Doctor After Surgery in New Jersey?

    Medical malpractice is a significant concern in the healthcare industry, and medical errors are a leading cause of preventable injury and death in the U.S., claiming over 250,000 lives annually. If you have been injured by a surgical error, the law gives you a limited time to file a lawsuit against the negligent doctor or other medical professional. A New Jersey medical malpractice lawyer from Varcadipane & Pinnisi, P.C. can advise on when to bring a lawsuit against a doctor following surgery.

    What Constitutes Medical Malpractice in New Jersey read more

  • How Long After Anesthesia Can You Drive?

    Anesthesia-related accidents are relatively rare but still notable. According to a case-crossover study involving 70,722 drivers who had undergone surgery, 263 of them were involved in car crashes. While the study does not absolutely link the crashes with surgery, the residual effects that anesthesia can have on your cognitive and motor functions played out. So, how long after anesthesia you can drive? Everyone should wait at least 24 hours before driving after receiving any form of anesthesia. If you or a family member has been injured through an read more
  • How Much Money Can I Sue a Hospital for MRSA Infection?

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is a bacterial infection that doesn’t usually get better with many antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections. MRSA infections are common in hospitalized people or residents in healthcare settings like nursing homes. Since MRSA infections are difficult to treat, they often spread to other organs and may become life-threatening. The disease may affect your lungs, heart, bones, bloodstream, and joints. A healthcare provider or a health institution may be liable for injury- read more
  • Examples of Malpractice in Counseling

    When people speak about medical malpractice, they often refer to a physician issuing a wrong prescription, misdiagnosis, or surgical error. Many people fail to consider the possible misconduct of other health providers, like therapists, who are sometimes negligent. The nature of psychological treatment puts patients in a vulnerable position. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, mental health practitioners had a complaint rate that was more than double that of physicians. Patients are often dissatisfied with counselors' read more
  • What Is the Difference between Negligence and Malpractice?

    Patients trust medical providers with their lives whenever they seek treatment in health facilities. Therefore, medical standards expect healthcare providers to perform their duties with utmost care and professionalism. If a medical provider fails in this duty, you can bring a malpractice claim to hold them accountable for injuries they cause. When a medical provider's actions or inactions fall below the professional standard of care, their behavior constitutes medical negligence. If a medical provider's negligence causes a patient to suffer an read more
  • Negligence in EMS (Emergency Medical Services)

    Healthcare professionals who offer emergency medical services are expected to uphold a standard of care to any patient under their watch. Even so, emergency medical professionals can be negligent or make mistakes that harm a patient. Ambulance or emergency room negligence or errors have devastating consequences for patients, including life-changing injuries or complications. For instance, despite a patient being allergic to a specific medication, providers might administer it anyway, worsening the victim's condition. Fortunately, personal injury read more

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